Our Team

is a team of experienced experts who work together to promote fairness and purity in sport.
is responsible for anti-doping controls and investigations, training in knowledge of the anti-doping system in Poland and worldwide, and cooperation in the area of promoting

Michał Rynkowski, PhD
Director of the Polish Anti-Doping Agency
Engaged in the fight against doping in sport since 2009. Chairman of the Advisory Group on Compliance of Monitoring Group of the Anti-Doping Convention of the Council of Europe. Holds a PhD in law from the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw. Author of numerous scientific publications in the field of law and doping in sport. Active participant in many international projects in the field of anti-doping. Privately, passionate about various forms of physical activity, particularly triathlon and sailing.

Hubert Dziudzik
Deputy Director of the Polish Anti-Doping Agency
Prior to his work for POLADA, for nearly a decade he worked at the Ministry of Sport. There, starting from 2013, he focused on the issue of the fight against doping. Co-responsible for the organization of the World Conference on Doping in Sport in Katowice in 2019. Helped draft the Act on Combating Doping in Sport. Member of the ad hoc European Committee for WADA (CAHAMA) and the Council of Europe Anti-Doping Convention Monitoring Group. Graduated from the University of Warsaw with a degree in Political Science, European Specialization, and postgraduate studies in internal security.

Piotr Wójcik
Manager, Doping Controls and Results Management Department
He has been engaged in the fight against doping in sport since 2009. Responsible for doping controls. Closely cooperates with a WADA-accredited anti-doping laboratory that conducts doping tests in athletes. Previously represented Poland on the national water polo team for 15 years. Graduated from the University of Łódź with a degree in pedagogy, specialization: Physical Education and Health Education.

Grzegorz Borkowski
Manager, Information and Education Department
He has always been involved in sport and education. At POLADA he has been developing training activities on anti-doping for Polish national sports federations. In the years 2001-2014 he served as Secretary-General of the Polish Rugby Federation, as Member of the Board of the European Rugby Federation (FIRA-AER) and an official representing the organization at matches of national teams. Thereafter, he served as President of the Foundation for the Development of Sport. At the beginning of his professional career, as a physical education teacher at High School XXV in Warsaw, he won numerous awards for his achievements, including from the Superintendent of Education. A graduate of the University of Physical Education in Warsaw and postgraduate studies at the University of Warsaw in the field of Administration.

Marlena Koźlinka
Chief Accountant
She has held managerial positions responsible for finance and accounting in private sector enterprises as well as public sector entities for over 15 years. Graduated from Koźmiński University with a degree in finance and banking.

Agnieszka Ostrowska
Manager, Intelligence and Investigations Department
She works to detect anti-doping rule violations and penal law violations, acting in cooperation with the Public Prosecutors Offices, the Police and other special services. Previously worked for the criminal investigations department and intelligence department of the Police. In 2016 awarded by the Warsaw Police Commander for her effective crime-fighting activities against, inter alia, organized crime. A graduate of the University of Physical Education in Warsaw and postgraduate studies at the University of Technology and Commerce where she specialized in Migrant Crime.
Communication and media

Katarzyna Kopeć-Ziemczyk, PhD
She has been involved in sports-related communication and public relations for over five years. Previously, for a decade, she worked as a television journalist in news, morning and sports programs. She was a press spokeswoman and advisor to the Minister of Sport. An experienced speaker and expert at self-presentation in front of a camera. Earned a Doctorate in Social Sciences from the University of Warsaw. Lecturer and trainer. Author of publications in the field of media studies and public relations. A member of the Polish PR Association and an expert of the Sport Biznes Polska Association. Has worked for POLADA since 2020.
Events and training

Uta Kühn
She has been involved in sports since forever, blending her passion with her profession. She believes that education is fundamental in the fight against doping. Since 2019, she has been conducting anti-doping training as part of POLADA. She’s the organizer and coordinator of many mass events, conferences, international training sessions, and competitions, including the European Judo Championships. She is a graduate and academic staff member at the University of Physical Education in Warsaw, as well as at the Teacher Training College of French Language at the University of Warsaw. Her passion is recreational kayaking, which she tries to instill in children during numerous training sessions, with a primary focus on water safety.
Scientific Advisors

Professor Emeritus, head of the Department of Forensic Pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical University of Warsaw from 2016 to 2022. He initiated the introduction of issues related to pharmaceutical crime (including counterfeiting of drugs and dietary supplements, as well as new psychoactive substances, known as “legal highs”) and pharmaceutical-forensic analysis into the curriculum of Pharmaceutical Faculties.
He is a founding member and president of the “Stop Illegal Pharmaceuticals” Association – an Association Supporting Health Protection and the Rule of Law (since 2017).
From 2005 to 2015, he served as the director of the National Institute of Medicines. From 1998 to 2002, he was a member Quality Working Party CPMP/CVMP (EMEA, European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products). W latach 2001-2005 i 2007-2013 członek Advisory Group for the General OMCL-Network (EDQM, Council of Europe); 2011-2015 członek założyciel i nieformalny przewodniczący Counterfeit/Illegal Medicines Working Group (EDQM, Council of Europe).

Andrzej Pokrywka, PhD
Assistant Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacogenomics, Warsaw Medical University. For 20 years (1994-2015) associated with the Institute of Sport in Warsaw (in 1996-2009 he was deputy head of the Department of Anti-Doping Research, and in 2009-2015 director of the Institute). Scientific editor of the book Doping in Sport, published by Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL (2020). Author or co-author of more than 100 scientific publications, mainly on anti-doping issues and laboratory diagnostics used in monitoring the health and training effects of athletes.