For fair play

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Our mission and vision

Our Motto:

Athletes are always at the centre of our efforts to keep sports clean. Their life, health and right to compete on fair terms are our top priorities”.

Our mission and vision of sport without doping:

  • We dream about sport free of doping.
  • We do everything possible to limit unfair competition in sport.
  • We support all activities taken by coaches, doctors, teachers and the entire sports community with the aim to promote fair play in sport.
  • We fight to ensure that athletes focus all their efforts on developing their skills and passions with respect for their health and for their competitors in sport.
  • We believe that success consists of hard work and talent, and that shortcuts always come with failure. A victory achieved unfairly is devoid of the most important thing: pride and satisfaction in overcoming one’s own barriers.
  • We emphasize that the price for competing unfairly in sport is truly high. Athletes who do not play fair can lose their health, money, fame, authority and life. As a consequence, they lose their dreams and career that cannot be rebuilt.
  • Champions are only those who act like champions in every aspect of sportsmanship.