WADA – CEADO – CoE meeting in Warsaw

A meeting of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the Central European Anti-Doping Organisation (CEADO) and the Monitoring Group of the Anti-Doping Convention of the Council of Europe (CoE) was held in Warsaw. The main topic: strengthening anti-doping activities in Central and Eastern European countries.
The invitation to the meeting was accepted by:
- World Anti-Doping Agency President Witold Bańka
- Chairman CEADO Board and Director of the Austrian Anti-Doping Agency Michael Cepic
- Chairman of the Council of Europe Anti-Doping Convention Monitoring Group Michael Petrou
- Director of the Slovak Anti-Doping Agency Žaneta Csáderová
- Director of the Slovenian Anti-Doping Agency Jani Dvoršak
- Director of WADA President’s Office Rafał Piechota

The meeting was organised by the Polish Anti-Doping Agency (POLADA), which was represented on site by its director Michał Rynkowski: – The fact that the meeting with the representatives of the most important anti-doping institutions in the world, such as WADA, and in our region, such as CEADO, is held in Warsaw, is not only a great honour for the Polish Anti-Doping Agency, but also a signal that we are an important partner in the global fight for clean sport.
The meeting aimed, first of all, to discuss in detail the further strengthening of anti-doping activities in Central and Eastern Europe, but also to help develop the anti-doping system of the Balkan countries. CEADO countries are ready to transfer all knowledge and carry out the process of building an anti-doping system from scratch in these countries – It was a very successful meeting, as a group of Central European National Anti-Doping Agencies we will make further efforts to develop anti-doping programmes in the region. Helping others is in the DNA of our organisation. By working for other national agencies, we are working for athletes and fair sport. We want everyone to take part in sports competition on an equal footing – said Chairman CEADO Board Michael Cepic.
The activities of the national agencies affiliated to CEADO are not only focused around building an effective anti-doping system, but it is also the implementation of joint projects in the field of education and science. Moreover, on 31 May 2021, CEADO signed a memorandum of cooperation with WADA, which forms the basis for joint activities. – The cooperation of all stakeholders is crucial for the strengthening of the global anti-doping system. I am convinced that the memorandum of understanding we have signed, through which we will support specific projects, will significantly contribute to the development of innovative anti-doping strategies throughout the region. I thank the CEADO leadership for their ongoing commitment to clean sport and willingness to collaborate in this way – added WADA President Witold Banka. Currently, CEADO is supporting Balkan and Caucasus countries to achieve full compliance with the WADA World Anti-Doping Code. It is worth mentioning that POLADA has also become a partner of the innovative WADA project “Global to Local”. Its aim is to train over 100 anti-doping specialists-practitioners in Europe. The project is intended to help increase the number and capacity of professionals working to protect clean sport.