Cases of anti-doping rule violations
Cases of anti-doping rule violations shall include a list of persons against whom the Disciplinary Panel has decided to publish the findings. According to the current regulations, the data for public viewing are displayed on the POLADA website and the Disciplinary Panel for the duration of the penalty.
Name and surname | Discipline | Sanction and duration of the sanction | Type of violation |
Marcin Goleń | Powerlifting | 4 years ineligibility 06.12.2024- 05.12.2028 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Testosterone, 5α-androstanediol, 5β-androstanediol |
Krystian Sanecki | Muaythai | 5 years ineligibility 09.12.2024- 08.12.2029 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Stanozolol, testosterone, meldonium 5α-androstanediol, 5β-androstanediol, etiocholanolone, androsterone |
Natalia Wojciechowska | Boxing | 4 years ineligibility 07.10.2024-06.10.2028 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Stanozolol |
Adam Łaskawski | Powerlifting | Lifelong disqualification since 19.10.2024 | art. 2.7 Trade in prohibited substances |
Natalia Rok | Boxing | 4 years ineligibility 02.01.2024-01.01.2028 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Cocaine |
Krystian Adamiak | Rugby | 2 years ineligibility 26.06.2024-25.06.2026 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Clomifene and its metabolite |
Sławomir Śledź | Powerlifting | 4 years ineligibility 28.09.2023- 27.09.2027 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Sarm Rad140 |
Rafał Roch | Para-Powerlifting | 4 years ineligibility 22.08.2023- 21.08.2027 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Sarm Rad140 |
Marek Nowak | Shooting | 2 years ineligibility 27.12.2023- 26.12.2025 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Nebiwolol |
Sebastian Stolarz | Rugby | 6 years ineligibility 27.11.2023- 26.11.2029 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Drostanolone, testosterone, 5α-androstanediol, 5β-androstanediol, etiocholanolone, androsterone |
Bartosz Skóra | Swimming | 6 years ineligibility 27.11.2023- 26.11.2029 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Ibutamoren, GW 501516, 1,4-dimetylopentyloamina |
Krystian Krupiński | Wrestling | 4 years ineligibility 20.10.2023- 19.10.2027 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Cocaine |
Maciej Sobieraj | Canoeing | 4 years and 6 months ineligibility 05.05.2023- 04.11.2027 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Dehydrochlorometylotestosterone, Nandrolone, Drostanolone, Testosterone, 5α-androstanediol, 5β-androstanediol |
Igor Pątek | Rugby | 4 years ineligibility 04.09.2023- 03.09.2027 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Cocaine |
Marek Smólski | Amarican football | 5 years ineligibility 24.07.2023- 23.07.2028 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Meldonium, Indapamid |
Sebastian Stanek | Powerlifting | 2 years ineligibility 29.05.2023- 28.05.2025 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Kanrenon |
Artur Lis | Para-Powerlifting | 4 years ineligibility 26.06.2023- 25.06.2027 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Oksandrolon |
Bartłomiej Balawender | Powerlifting | 4 years ineligibility 16.05.2023- 15.05.2027 | art. 2.3 Submit of sample collection |
Jakub Czerczak | Wrestling | 3 years ineligibility 28.06.2023- 27.06.2026 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 5α-androstanediol, 5β-androstanediol, etiocholanolon, androsteron |
Oliwia Ściągaj | Kickboxing | 2 years ineligibilityi 21.04.2023- 20.04.2025 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Furosemid |
Adrian Kupiec | Muyathai | 6 years ineligibility 20.06.2023- 19.06.2029 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 5α-androstanediol, 5β-androstanediol, Etiocholanolone, Androsterone, Testosterone |
Eduard Grigorev | Wrestling | 6 years ineligibility 02.06.2023- 01.06.2029 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 5α-androstanediol, 5β-androstanediol, Etiocholanolone, Androsterone, Testosterone, Furosemid |
Paweł Lisiecki | Muyathai | 5 years ineligibility 04.05.2023- 03.05.2028 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Nandrolon, Trenbolon, Boldenon, Boldion, Drostanolon, 1-androsteron, Androstatrienedion |
Łukasz Wiaderny | Weightlifting | 6 years ineligibility 25.10.2022- 24.10.2028 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 THC, Testosterone, 5α-androstanediol, 5β-androstanediol, Etiocholanolone, Androsterone |
Adrianna Borowczyk | Powerlifting | 2 years ineligibility 28.04.2023-27.04.2025 2 years ineligibility 28.04.2025-27.04.2027 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 Furosemide art. 10.14.1 Violation of disqualification rules |
Piotr Schab | Sport climbing | 4 years ineligibility 15.06.2022- 14.06.2026 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2. LGD-4033 (ligandrol) |
Mateusz Ziomek | Boxing | 4 years ineligibility 13.01.2023-12.01.2027 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2. Meldonium |
Dominik Pawelec | Powerlifting | 6 years ineligibility 13.01.2023-12.01.2029 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2. Stanozolol, Metandienone, Metylotestosterone, Ibutamoren, Clomifene |
Pola Rogala | Kickboxing | 4 years ineligibility 14.09.2022-13.09.2026 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2. Modafinil |
Anthony Ireland | Basketball | 4 years ineligibility 09.05.2022-08.05.2026 | art. 2.3 refusing to submit of sample collection |
Przemysław Kozioł | Kickboxing | 4 years ineligibility 11.05.2022-10.05.2026 | art.2.1 i art. 2.2. Tamoxifen |
Kacper Frątczak | Kickboxing | 8 years ineligibility 21.04.2022-20.04.2030 8 years ineligibility 21.04.2030-20.04.2038 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2. Dehydrochlorometylotestosterone art. 10.14.1 Violation of disqualification rules |
Magdalena Ciołczyk | Triathlon | 3 years ineligibility 20.09.2022-19.09.2025 | art.2.1 i art. 2.2. Meldonium |
Rafał Witoszyński | Rugby | 4 years ineligibility 27.05.2022-26.05.2026 | art. 2.1 i art.2.2 Cocaine |
Michał Pająk | Powerlifting | 4 years ineligibility 17.05.2022-16.05.2026 | art. 2.3 refusing to submit of sample collection |
Dawid Kołodziejczuk | Weightlifting | 4 years ineligibility 12.07.2022-11.07.2026 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 THC, Oxilofrine, 3-methylhexan-2 amina, Octodrine, Metandienone, Stanozolol |
Sebastian Wiktorzak | Boxing | 4 years ineligibility 10.12.2021-09.12.2025 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2 GHRP-2 |
Dominik Zadora | Kickboxing | 4 years ineligibility 27.05.2022-26.05.2026 | art. 2.1 i art. 2.2. Dehydrometylotestosteron, Oksandrolon, Metandienon |
Aleks Hoppe | Judo | 4 years ineligibility 09.06.2022-08.06.2026 | art.2.1 i art. 2.2. Meldonium |
Konrad Olszewski | Kickboxing | 4 years ineligibility 29.03.2022-28.03.2026 | art. 2.1 i art.2.2 Cocaine |
Hugon Noszczyk | Rugby | 4 years ineligibility 29.04.2022-28.04.2026 | art.2.1 i art.2.2 Drostanolone, Testosterone |
Alan Boruta | Boxing | 4 years ineligibility 04.04.2022-03.04.2026 | art. 2.1 i 2.2 Metandienone |
Mateusz Woroszył | Para-Powerlifting | 4 years ineligibility (including previous ineligibility) 18.05.2022-06.12.2025 | art.2.1 i art.2.2 Torasemide |
Tomasz Borowiec | Kickboxing | 8 years ineligibility 14.12.2021-13.12.2029 | art.2.1 i art.2.2 Testosterone, 5α-androstenediol, 5β-androstenediol, Etiocholanolone, Androsterone |
Maciej Witan | Ice Hockey | 4 years ineligibility 08.10.2021-07.10.2025 | art. 2.1 i 2.2 Amfetamine |
Bartłomiej Uchman | Athletics | 4 years ineligibility 03.08.2021-02.08.2025 | art. 2.1 i 2.2 Metandienone |
Barbara Nowak | Athletics | 4 years ineligibility 22.04.2021-21.04.2025 | art. 2.1 i 2.2 Metandienone |
Aya Diouf | Football | 8 lat dyskwalifikacji 05.12.2019-04.12.2027 | art. 2.2 Use of the Prohibited Method art. 10.14.1 Violation of disqualification rules |
Mateusz Adamski | Rugby | 8 years ineligibility 22.02.2020-21.02.2028 | art.2.1 Amfetamina, Hydroksyamfetamina |